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Sleep Hygiene

Written by: Kate Lufkin, DSW, LCSW-BACS Inflammation is our body’s response to a threat. Inflammation becomes problematic when our body is constantly in “fight or flight” mode when there is no actual threat present; this can lead to chronic inflammation. Some of the major things that lead to chronic inflammation are poor diet, environmental toxins/exposure …

The Case of Termination

Written by: Maria A. Avila, LMFT, MCAP I recently resigned from an organization where I had worked for almost 16 years. In order to allow the different groups of people I worked with digest and accept the news, it was decided that I should proceed in stages. After revealing the news to the leadership group I …

My Social Work Friend… Whose Needs Are You Meeting?

Written by: Cindi J. Jeffrey, LMHP, LISW Idealism in Social Work I found a paper I had written for my undergraduate social work degree. In it, I alluded to the fact that I wanted to change the world. My idealism was prolific throughout the paper; however, my vision of how I fit into the world …

Humanity’s “Last Responders”

Written by: Peter Lazar, LCSW August 14 of 2004 was just another sweltering summer day in New York City and we were approaching the third anniversary of 9/11. It was around 90 degrees; the kind of day that just a few minutes walk from the subway to work would render anyone a heap of sweat. On …

A Lesson In Listening

Written by: Mark Wilson, MSW With the pervasive influence of social media in our culture, we are robbed of the need to be present. We slip into a pattern of virtually shouting information instead of engaging humanity, fumbling for an independent voice amongst a sea of hollow opinions, and seeking a sense of community in …

Changing The Conversation

For some, there’s a negative stigma surrounding the word ‘therapy’ that can serve as a major deterrent from seeking help. Many may feel disappointed in themselves or judged by loved ones. Some even grapple with feelings of guilt or worthlessness after recognizing the need for therapy. As a clinician, do you seem to find yourself …