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Epistemology Not Model

1.5 CE Hour

Presented By

  • Wendel A. Ray, PhD and David Hale, PhD, LMFT-S
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This presentation will address systems theory and its perception in the practice of marriage and family therapy today. For many, systems theory is being viewed not as a profoundly alternative epistemology, but rather as just another model. It is our intent to reignite an interest in systems theory and continue to promote its place as an epistemology/way of knowing and not a model.

Target Audience
  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists
  • Counselors
Learning Objectives
  1. At the conclusion of this presentation, attendees will be reacquainted with the systemic foundations of the profession.
  2. At the conclusion of this presentation, attendees will know the difference between epistemology and a model.
  3. At the conclusion of this presentation, attendees will be familiar with some of the major components of systemic epistemology.
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists

The Louisiana Association of Marriage and Family Therapy has approved to offer continuing education for Louisiana Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists and Provisional Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists.


The Louisiana Counseling Association is approved by the Louisiana Licensed Professional Board of Examiners to offer continuing education for Louisiana Licensed Professional Counselors and Provisional Licensed Professional Counselors.

CE Policy and this educator have no conflicts of interest and have not received any commercial support for this program or its contents.
Wendel A. Ray, PhD and David Hale, PhD, LMFT-S
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