Peer Professional Identity: What it is and Why it Matters
Peer Professional Identity: What it is and Why it Matters
Presented By
Anna H. Gray, M.Ed., MHPS, PSSMore Info
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On DemandSessions will be available On-Demand
Mental Health and Substance Use Peer Support Specialists will explore what it means to have a professional identity and what it takes to value our profession and us as professionals. Peer Support Specialists have evolved as a profession with a unique challenge: How to be in but not of the system they work in or around. The idea of being a professional is challenging to Peer Support Specialists as it implies losing mutuality and horizontal organizational structures that include the people we walk along with on our recovery journeys. This discussion will address these concerns and the need to be responsible for the work we do as well as for the maintenance of our peerness.
- • Peer Support Specialists
The educational goal of this workshop is to develop a strong and robust peer workforce that advocates fidelity to our scope of practice.
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
Know where and how to find the National Practice Guidelines for peer supporters.
Recognize the value of their lived experience as professional expertise.
Develop ownership of the profession and the responsibilities and privileges it provides.
Category 10: Supports collaboration and teamwork
Category 11: Promotes leadership and advocacy
Category 12: Promotes growth and development
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