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Advocacy in Action: Perspectives from VA Psychologist Advocates

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1 CE Hour On Demand
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APA Division 18 Member
APA Division 18 Non-Member

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  • On Demand
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This webinar features perspectives from five current and former VA psychologists who advocated for Veterans’ mental health and VA psychologists at different levels within and outside of the Veterans Health Administration. Panelists will share strategies on how to advocate effectively, specifically with respect to considerations as a Federal employee. This webinar will also offer an opportunity to learn about resources to support participants in their advocacy efforts.

Target Audience
  • Psychologist
Educational Goal

The educational goal of this workshop is to increase knowledge about advocacy issues relevant to VA psychologists and Veterans mental health.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe at least two advocacy issues relevant to VA psychologists and Veterans mental health discussed by the panelists.

  • Explain three or more important advocacy considerations for Federal employees.

  • Identify at least two resources to remain informed of advocacy issues relevant to VA psychologists and Veterans healthcare.

  • Dorociak, Katie & Rupert, Patricia & Zahniser, Evan. (2017). Work Life, Well-Being, and Self-Care Across the Professional Lifespan of Psychologists. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 48. 429-437. 10.1037/pro0000160.

  • Garrison, E. G., DeLeon, P. H., & Smedley, B. D. (2017). Psychology, public policy, and advocacy: Past, present, and future. The American psychologist, 72(8), 737–752.

  • Hann, K., Pearson, H., Campbell, D., Sesay, D., & Eaton, J. (2015). Factors for success in mental health advocacy. Global health action, 8, 28791.


Trusted Provider Network is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Trusted Provider Network maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

CE Policy
This course is fiscally sponsored by APA Division 18. There may be potential biases or conflicts of interest inherent to this relationship, and it must be disclosed to participants. These conflicts of interest have no bearing on the course content and have been resolved.
  • Waiting Room Opens
  • Workshop Begins
  • Workshop Ends
Note: Time designated for waiting room, breaks cannot be counted toward CE credit.
Erin E. Andrews, PsyD, ABPP

Erin E. Andrews, PsyD, ABPP is a Board Certified Rehabilitation Psychologist. She is the Chief of Psychology for the VA VISN 17 Clinical Resource Hub. She is an Associate Affiliated Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine at Dell Medical School at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Andrews’ areas of clinical and research interest include disability identity and cultural competence, disability inclusion in psychology training, sexual and reproductive rights of people with disabilities, disabled parenting, and reducing bias in disability language. She is the author of Disability as Diversity: Developing Cultural Competence, published by Oxford University Press in 2020. She is a co-founder of the Disabled Parenting Project, a resource for support and information for parents and prospective parents with a wide range of disabilities. This work is part of Parents Empowering Parents: National Research Center for Parents with Disabilities and Their Families, a five-year, $2.5 million National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research grant for which Dr. Andrews serves as a consultant. Her advocacy work in this area includes representing the American Psychological Association (APA) during a 2013 congressional briefing regarding parents with disabilities and participating in a White House forum on the civil rights of parents with disabilities in 2016. She was a co-author of the APA Resolution on Parents with Disabilities, which calls upon the field of psychology and policymakers to to reduce disparities and biases toward parents with disabilities by supporting increased psychological research, intervention, and advocating for fair policy, approved in February 2024.

Anne S. Klee, PhD, CPRP

Anne S. Klee, PhD, CPRP, completed her graduate work at the Ferkauf Graduate School of
Psychology of Yeshiva University, Bronx, New York, and her undergraduate work at Columbia University, New York, New York. After completing predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships at the Yale University School of Medicine, she accepted a position at VA Connecticut Healthcare System, where she has worked for the past 20 years in various roles. She currently serves as the Director of the Interprofessional Fellowship in Psychosocial Rehabilitation and the Director of Peer Support Services. She is also an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry of the Yale School of Medicine. She is licensed in Connecticut.

Dr. Klee has served in a number of national and state professional capacities, including as a chair of the American Psychological Association’s Board of Professional Affairs, a former APA Council Representative, Past President of APA’s Psychologists in Public Service (Division 18), a Past President of the Connecticut Psychological Association and as the current Federal Advocacy Coordinator for the Connecticut Psychological Association. Through these roles, she has built relationships with state and federal legislators and their staffers and advocates on important issues facing our profession and public mental health.

Paul T. Korte, PhD
Paul T. Korte, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist at the Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans’ Hospital where he was recently selected as Psychology Lead and has served as the Team Lead of the Behavioral Medicine and Neuropsychology Services with clinical responsibilities in the Primary Care-Mental Health Integration
program. He co-chairs the facility’s Primary Care-Patient Aligned Care Team Committee, is Vice-Chair of the Research & Development Committee, and member of the training committee for the facility’s APA-accredited psychology internship training program. He also has served the VA as a consultant to the national Motivational Interviewing training program and currently as a graduate faculty member of VA’s Rural Interdisciplinary Faculty Development Initiative (RIFDI).
Dr. Korte is a former President of the Missouri Psychological Association and previously chaired the
Integrated Care Committee, Conference Committee, Media/Publications Committee, Legislative Chair/Federal Advocacy Coordinator, and representative to APA Council of Representatives. Within APA’s Division 31, he has been a member and chair of the Integrated Care Task Force and as President in 2023. Dr. Korte served on APA’s Health Behavior Assessment and Intervention CPT Code Advisory Group and now serves on APA’s Integrated Primary Care Advisory Group. In addition to serving the profession through APA and state psychological association, he is a former co-chair of the Early Career Special Interest Group and current co-chair of the Advocacy Special Interest Group of the Association of VA Psychology Leaders.
Dr. Korte was the recipient of the 2018 Psychologist of the Year Award from the Missouri Psychological Association, was a 2019 recipient of the Karl F. Heiser APA Presidential Award for Advocacy, and a 2021
recipient of a Federal Advocacy Award from APA Services, Inc. Dr. Korte is a 2011 graduate of Palo Alto University and maintains clinical and research interests in health psychology, integrated care, addictions, and rural health.
Russell B. Lemle, PhD

Russell B. Lemle, PhD, is a Senior Policy Analyst for the Veterans Healthcare Policy Institute. From 1981 to
2019, he worked for the San Francisco VA Healthcare System, the last 25 years as Chief Psychologist. He’s
authored numerous scientific publications and media commentaries, including in The Hill, Task & Purpose, The American Prospect, Washington Monthly, Federal Practitioner,, Guns & Ammo, and California Firing Line on the prevention of firearm suicide and the looming decimation of the VA resulting from explosive outsourcing of veterans’ health care to the private sector. Dr. Lemle has been widely recognized for his contributions to veterans’ health care policy and firearm suicide prevention, including the American Psychological Association (APA) Division 18 Harold Hildreth Award (2011), Association of VA Psychologist Leaders (AVAPL) Antonette Zeiss Distinguished Career Award (2013), AVAPL Patrick DeLeon Advocacy Award (2016), the Disabled American Veterans’ Special Recognition Award for Veterans Health Care Advocacy (2020), and APA Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest – Senior Career (2024). In 2017, the AVAPL Russell B. Lemle Leadership Award was established in his honor. He was a member of the Presidential PREVENTS task force and has testified to Congress on veterans’ mental health policy.

Jeremy Saenz, PhD

Jeremy Saenz, Ph.D. (he/him/his) holds a PhD in Psychology from Texas A&M University. He currently works as a psychologist and has an affiliate professorship with the University of Texas. Much of his training has been done within the Veterans Health Administration. During his postdoctoral training, he also worked on co-development of a Parenting Treatment for Veterans with PTSD to improve relationships with children and parenting and is currently on the respective randomized clinical trial board as a member and consultant.

Dr. Saenz has worked in multiple leadership positions to include chair, vice chair, and secretary nonprofit board positions; project coordinator/manager for a treatment study and graduate telemental health clinic; and American Psychological Association (APA) Division 18 VA Section Education and Training Committee Chair. In his leadership roles, Dr. Saenz has developed policies and strategies to help improve efficiency and expand organizations he serves. Additionally, he worked to provide and develop strategic planning sessions for a non-profit he serves.

Throughout his career, Dr. Saenz has helped to promote diversity, initiate outreach events, develop groups, work with nonprofits, and help train staff to promote culturally informed and responsive care. Dr. Saenz continues to work to develop and present CEUs on diversity topics.

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