Clinical Skills for Working with Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
Date & Time
Educational Goal
Participants will gain skills in working with intimate partner violence survivors.
This presentation is aimed at professionals who work in clinical, social service, and medical settings to develop more advanced skills for working with clients who are survivors of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). The presentation will cover the dynamics of Intimate Partner Violence and introduce trauma-informed and skillful ways to screen for, discuss and support clients who have experienced IPV. This presentation will also help participants navigate ethical and safety issues during and outside of the session.
Target Audience
- Counselor
- Marriage & Family Therapist
- Psychologist
- Social Worker
- Substance Use Disorder Professionals
Amanda Tonkovich, LCSW-BACS has 12+ years of experience working with survivors of intimate partner abuse, sexual violence, human trafficking, and adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Amanda has provided direct support to hundreds of survivors through individual and group therapy, and extensive advocacy in medical, criminal legal, workplace, and educational settings. As the former Sexual Assault Program Director at the New Orleans Family Justice Center, she was instrumental in developing the 24/7 Medical Advocacy program, the New Orleans Sexual Assault Response Team (SART), and the Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Action Coalition. Amanda is a leader in building responses to violence that are survivor-centered and trauma-informed, through direct service, training, creative collaborations across disciplines, and intentional program development. Amanda is the current chair of the Louisiana Crime Victims Reparations (CVR) Board and continues working toward making this fund more accessible to crime survivors.