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Introduction and Case Study for the Hogan Assessments

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In this virtual, interactive session, John Horton will introduce the Hogan assessments and provide a case study of how to interpret the results of the assessments in a practical context. We will review personality assessments and their data and apply these data to a consulting and coaching context. The presentation will start with a review of Hogan Assessment Systems as a company, the purpose of the company, research contributions, applicability to different cultures, and then an overview of the assessment catalog offered. 


Then, the presenter will introduce three of Hogan’s core assessments: the Hogan Personality Inventory, the Hogan Development Survey, and the Motives, Values, and Preferences Inventory. After this introduction, the presenter will introduce a case study so that the audience can see how the assessment data are interpreted and used in a common coaching and consulting situation. The case study context will be read out and presented, and then the Hogan data will be displayed to the audience in the form of the Hogan Flash report. The presenter will interpret the Hogan data out loud, drawing together themes from the data and applying them to the context. The presenter will also provide the audience with questions and development recommendations for this case so as to demonstrate the predictions, insights, and outcomes that can come from the Hogan assessments data.

Target Audience
  • Psychologist
  • Consulting Psychologists and Coaches
Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the Hogan Assessments and the role they play in business for both talent selection and talent development.

  • Provide an in-depth description of the purpose of each of the three core assessments.

  • Utilize a case study to understand how the data are interpreted and used in a common coaching and consulting situation.

  • Describe at least two ways the scales can be pulled together to form themes and apply them to the given context.

  • Furnham, A., & Crump, J. (2005). Personality traits, types, and disorders: an examination of the relationship between three self-report measures. European Journal of Personality, 19(3), 167–184.

  • Gray, D. (2014). Using assessments in leadership development. Professional Safety, 59(7).

  • Hogan, J., & Holland, B. (2003). Using theory to evaluate personality and job-performance relations: a socioanalytic perspective. The Journal of applied psychology, 88(1), 100–112.

  • Hogan, R. (2007). Personality and the fate of organizations. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

  • Hogan, R., & Kaiser, R. B. (2005). What we know about leadership. Review of General Psychology, 9(2), 169–180.

  • Kaiser, R., Hogan, R. & Craig, B. (2008). Leadership and the fate of organizations. American Psychologist. 63. 96-110. 10.1037/0003-066X.63.2.96.

  • Sheppard, R., Han, K., Colarelli, S. M., Dai, G., & King, D. W. (2006). Differential item functioning by sex and race in the Hogan Personality Inventory. Assessment, 13(4), 442–453.


Trusted Provider Network is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Trusted Provider Network maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Trusted Provider Network, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0125. is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (Provider #1000101) to sponsor continuing education for LEPs. maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content. Course meets the qualifications for 1.75 hours of continuing education credit for LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.

Consulting Psychologists and Coaches

Consulting Psychologists and Coaches
CE Policy
This course is fiscally sponsored by the Society for Consulting Psychology. There may be potential biases or conflicts of interest inherent to this relationship, and it must be disclosed to participants. These conflicts of interest have no bearing on the course content and have been resolved.
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John Horton, MA

John is a practice manager of the Independent Consultants Network (ICN). He works closely with the full spectrum of consulting and coaching partners to deliver data-based solutions and ensure assessment quality across a variety of organizational cultures and industries.

He also provides commercial and interpretive support to thousands of Hogan users and their clients who wish to incorporate personality assessments and data into their selection and development engagements.

John is responsible for providing training on Hogan products and best practices to offer simple solutions for complex problems in the talent management industry. John has worked with global organizations, including many Fortune 500 companies, in the areas of high-stakes talent selection and development, product development, assessment interpretation, marketing, and entrepreneur development.

John holds master’s and bachelor’s degrees in psychology from the University of North Florida, where he graduated magna cum laude. He has published research in journals such as Applied Cognitive Psychology, Computers & Education, and Computers in Human Behavior.

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