Virtual Webinar On-Demand

Water Runs Downhill: Outcomes and Measurement-Based Care in Behavioral Healthcare

Presented by Dr. John Dyben
1.75 CE Hours General Introductory
Water Runs Downhill: Outcomes and Measurement-Based Care in Behavioral Healthcare


Date & Time

Educational Goal

Participants are expected to gain knowledge into the benefits and practice of treatment outcome measurements as a means to determine mental health treatment efficacy.


As a whole, the field of healthcare is constantly seeking to improve how it measures safety and efficacy of treatments. This is done on a macro level through activities such as conducting a clinical trial on a new drug. It is done on a micro level through activities like checking a patient’s blood pressure or glucose levels. The field of behavioral healthcare that addresses issues of mental health and substance use disorders has historically lagged far behind the rest of healthcare in utilizing measurements. We will discuss three different types of measurements that are relevant in healthcare and describe how these can, and should, be implemented in the treatment of mental health and substance use disorders. We will examine specific examples of outcomes studies and measurement-based care processes that can be implemented and how these processes improve care.

Target Audience

  • Counselor
  • Social Worker
  • Substance Use Disorder Professionals


Dr. John Dyben

With his multi-faceted experience and leadership in the substance use disorder treatment field, John’s varied skill set includes pastor, counselor, clinical manager, teacher, and respected expert. As a chief clinical officer, John provides supervisory and clinical oversight to all Origins Behavioral HealthCare’s programs. John continually builds upon his academic expertise through research and nationwide speaking engagements on addiction, spirituality, and related topics. John holds a bachelor’s in psychology, a master’s in conflict management, a master’s in management, and a doctorate in health science. John is a Master Certified Addictions Professional and a Certified Mental Health Professional in Florida. John is also a musician, a writer, and a private pilot.

Financially Sponsored By

  • Origins Behavioral HealthCare