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Zero to Five: Helping Families Thrive

1 CE Hour

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This workshop will review the Children’s System of Care’s (CSOC’s) current efforts to support families with young children, with a focus on the “Zero to Five: Helping Families Thrive” initiative. The “Zero to Five” initiative is a collaboration between CSOC and the Montclair State University Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health. Through this initiative, CSOC will increase its capacity to provide effective mental health interventions for infants and young children that strengthen caregiver-child connections; ensure parents and caregivers have the skills and resources necessary to support the healthy social and emotional development of their children and reduce the need for higher intensity treatment interventions at later ages.

Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives:
At the end of this session, attendees will be able to:

  1. 1. Describe the purpose and scope of the “Zero to Five” initiative.
  2. 2. Demonstrate awareness of the larger Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood (MIEC) system in New Jersey.
  3. 3. Describe how they will Support families’ access to CSOC services and identify CSOC core elements.
CE Policy and this educator have no conflicts of interest and have not received any commercial support for this program or its contents.
Ben Magnussen, MPA
Ben Magnussen
Ben Magnussen MPA
Supervisor, Community-based Provider Network Oversight
Children’s System of Care, New Jersey Department of Children and Families
Ben Magnussen is the Supervisor of Community-based Provider Network Oversight for the Department of Children and Families’ Children’s System of Care. Ben provides supervisory support to the Office of Community Services to ensure that organizational outcomes are met, and families have access to high quality, family-centered and community-based services. Ben has worked for the Department of Children and Families for eighteen years, holding positions with the Division of Child Protection and Permanency, the Office of Adoption Operations, the Office of Adolescent Services and the Division of Family and Community Partnerships. Ben obtained his Bachelor’s degree in psychology from Bucknell University and holds a Master’s of Public Administration degree from Rutgers University. He lives in Yardley, Pennsylvania with his wife, son and puppy.
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