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RACE From Trauma-Informed to Connection-Informed: Re-envisioning Wellbeing in Animal Care Work

Room A

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Professionals working in animal care are in the unique position of being exposed to the stress and trauma of two primary groups – animals and the humans that are connected to them. This means that there is a double exposure to secondary traumatic stress. Charles Figley describes secondary traumatic stress, also referred to as vicarious trauma, as “the natural consequent behaviors resulting from knowledge about a traumatizing event experienced by a significant other … the stress resulting from helping or wanting to help a traumatized or suffering person” Given the high degree of exposure to trauma in animal care work, this session will introduce participants to the concept of secondary traumatic stress including its causes and impacts on practitioners, teams, and organizations. While exposure to secondary traumatic stress cannot always be avoided, a lack of tools to process such exposure when coupled with burnout, can lead to compassion fatigue. This session will introduce two methods to address secondary traumatic stress: nervous system health and team debriefing. Participants will engage in a real-debriefing session to embody its benefits, followed by guided discussions on ways to foster improved nervous system health and debriefing in animal care organizations.

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Angie Arora, MSW, RSW

Angie Arora, MSW, RSW, founder of Arora Wellness, is a Veterinary Social Worker supporting the human needs that arise from human-animal relationships, specializing in veterinary mental health and wellbeing, pet loss support, and equity issues within veterinary medicine. As a certified Compassion Fatigue Specialist, Angie provides trauma-informed therapeutic coaching, training and courses to help animal care professionals and organizations move out of states of surviving to thriving. She is actively involved in relevant veterinary medicine initiatives with organizations including blendVET, Canadian Collective for Equity in Veterinary Medicine, International Association of Veterinary Social Work, the Toronto Zoo, and veterinary hospitals and shelters across North America. She completed her Bachelor of Social Work with the Toronto Metropolitan University, Master of Social Work with York University and is deeply committed to her personal and professional growth. She is certified in Emotional CPR with the National Empowerment Centre, completed her Compassion Fatigue Specialist certification with the Traumatology Institute and completed her International Coaching Federation training with the Mind Rebel Academy.

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