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Finding Our Song without the Music: Strategies for Maintaining Compassion with Action

1 CE Hour

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We have encountered some unique challenges over the past year that has caused professionals from around the world to rethink their professional careers and how they will move forward. This has caused many of us to waiver as often the mantra has been “do more with less; to…sing without the music!” How do we remain empathetic and compassionate while restructuring social paradigms to remain healthy and progressive change agents.

Learning Objectives

This presentation will be aimed at reviewing practical, empowering and forward thinking strategies so that those in the helping profession can continue to work from the framework of compassion with passion while continuing the mission to improve the lives of those we serve.

CE Policy and this educator have no conflicts of interest and have not received any commercial support for this program or its contents.
Antwan Butler, Ph.D., LCSW-BACS

Antwan Butler, LCSW-BACS, Ph.D., is a native of Tampa, Florida and a prominent Pastor, mental health professional and entrepreneur in Shreveport and surrounding communities. Dr. Butler has been pastoring for eleven years and for the past six years is the co-founder of Dream Big Leadership Church in Shreveport, LA alongside his wife Pastor Tanesha Butler where the vision is “training today’s leaders for tomorrow’s problems.” Currently, he is the President of the North Louisiana Association of Black Social Workers and also is the CEO for Dream Big Counseling, Consulting & Training Service where he practices as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker specializing in mental health care. Dr. Butler is a Board Approved Clinical Supervisor, Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor, Licensed Clinical Christian Counselor and certified Temperament Counselor. He is also a TBRI Practitioner with unique skills to build relationships between children and parents. He has a doctoral degree in Biblical Studies from Louisiana Baptist University and doctoral degree in Christian Education from Caddo Theological Seminary. Mr. Butler is a highly sought out inspirational speaker in his community and provides motivation, empowerment, and education through in-person gatherings, social media outlets and his YouTube channel. Dr. Butler has a high regard for people-building and a love for God as a servant leader. He facilitates trainings and workshops across the country on spirituality, leadership, mental health and a host of other relevant topics. Dr. Butler is a people person at heart. Which stems from his upbringing in the streets of Tampa, Florida as a foster child which inspires compassion and passion for the less fortunate in this community. However, his greatest joy is that of husband to Tanesha Butler and father to his three sons Sir’Titus, Sir’Legend and Sir’Christian Butler.

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