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Increasing Engagement and Decreasing Trauma in Young-Adult and Adolescent Mental Health Treatment

1.5 CE Hour
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In the United States, it is estimated that over half of teens will suffer from a mental health issue at some point during their adolescent years. These figures from the National Institute of Mental Health display an alarming epidemic with grave consequences. However, it is widely evidenced that swift intervention, relevant treatment, and parental involvement in the therapeutic process significantly lessen the detrimental impact on the individuals as they journey into adulthood. Research indicates that parental involvement throughout a teenager’s treatment and recovery, by way of family engagement in the treatment plan, helps the teen achieve the best success rates. Research also shows that combined parent-adolescent and family therapy treatment plans demonstrate far better outcomes than plans in which teenagers only received individual therapy. Adolescents whose families do the work see long-term success, improved participation, higher levels of attendance, and overall family satisfaction.

The presentation continues within this realm and delves into Family Systems Theory, which seeks to explore and understand both the internal and external family models of the individual in question. By nourishing and restoring the whole self as well as the entire family, it is possible to heal exponentially. Together we will explore how increasing family engagement decreases trauma and yields healing and greater recovery success.  

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Define Trauma and trauma-related responses.

  • Demonstrate how to properly refer clients to trauma focused practitioners or treatment facilities.

  • Define Emerging AI-Based Behavioral Health Tools.

  • Give at least 4 examples of new and emerging AI tools in behavioral health and their transformative potential.

  • Define Application of Polyvagal Theory in Pain Management.

  • Explain at least 3 examples of how Polyvagal Theory can treat chronic pain by addressing the nervous system's role in physio-psychological states of survival.

CE Policy
This course is fiscally sponsored by Exchange Events. There may be potential biases or conflicts of interest inherent to this relationship, and it must be disclosed to participants. These conflicts of interest have no bearing on the course content and have been resolved.
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Heather R. Hayes M. Ed, LPC, CAI

Heather Hayes is the founder and CEO of Heather R. Hayes & Associates, Inc. She is a Master’s level Licensed Counselor in the State of Georgia, Board Registered Interventionist (CIP) and Certified ARISE Interventionist. Ms. Hayes earned her B.A. from Emory University and her M.Ed. from Antioch University in Counseling Psychology. A veteran of the behavioral health field, Heather has over 35 years of experience treating clients with complex mental health issues and the full spectrum of addictive disorders. She has also worked with clients of all ages and specializes in the treatment of adolescents/young adults, trauma, behavioral issues and eating disorders.

Known as one of the country’s most prominent authorities on these topics, Ms. Hayes is a coveted speaker on the national and international stage, is widely-recognized for her comprehensive and trauma-informed approach to intervention, and has been published in numerous journals, books, and other industry publications. Ms. Hayes also serves as an on-air expert and consultant for CNN and Dr. Oz and has been featured on A&E, ABC, CBS, BBC, FOX, MTV and NBC. In addition, Ms. Hayes is a featured interventionist on the 2018 & 2019 seasons of A&E’s high-profile show Intervention.

Throughout her career, Ms. Hayes has been a lifeline for clients at their most profound points of suffering. She offers clients and their families a safe haven as they navigate the recovery journey and works with the entire family system to support long-term, sustainable healing.

As an independent interventionist and a staunch proponent of professional ethics, Ms. Hayes does not have financial relationships with any treatment centers or clinicians. Over 95% of her interventions have successfully ended with the subject agreeing to treatment.

Outside of work, Heather uses her expertise to give back to her community by volunteering as the psychological profiler with the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Department Hostage Negotiation and SWAT Team.

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