The Nuts And Bolts Of The Collaborative Divorce Process and Where Mental Health Professionals Fit In
Date & Time
The Faulk Center for Counseling
22455 Boca Rio Road
Boca Raton, FL 33433
Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to:
Explain the fundamental components of collaborative law process.
Identify at least three benefits of using collaborative law for a couple or family facing divorce versus alternative legal approaches to divorce.
Describe at least three main functions of a facilitator.
Identify at least three ways the collaborative law process can address the emotional needs of a family
Educational Goal
The educational goal of this workshop is to help mental health professionals better understand and therefore educate families and couples contemplating or entering a divorce process on the benefits of the Collaborative Law .
In this workshop, attendees will learn about the collaborative law process including what the requirements are for a legitimate process, what the process looks like, how it utilizes mental health practitioners to help mitigate the negative effects of divorce and provide necessary supports to transition families into two homes, and how this process compares to the other process options available.
Target Audience
- Counselor
- Marriage & Family Therapist
- Psychologist
- Social Worker
- Substance Use Disorder Professionals
Tami Augen Rhodes has dedicated herself to excellence in the practice of law and in service to her community. She is a graduate of Stetson University College of Law and The University of Florida. Ms. Augen Rhodes is the former president of the Craig S. Barnard American Inn of Court, the Founder and President of The Palm Beach Academy of Collaborative Professionals, a Florida State Certified Family Law Mediator, and trained Parenting Coordinator. She has the skills and experience to navigate complex divorce and family law matters at the negotiating table and, when necessary, to provide zealous advocacy in the courtroom. Her focus, tenacity, and dedication are second to none. In her free time, Tami can be found at the barn riding horses and mucking stalls; practicing yoga; curled up with a good book; and seeking new experiences during her travels.
Financially Sponsored By
- Family First Adolescent Services
- South Florida Clinical Collective