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Trauma Group Facilitation

3 CE Hours

Presented By

  • Cinde Stewart Freeman, BSN, RN, MA, LADAC II, QCS
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This training program focuses on the intersection of trauma, addiction, and mental health treatment and maintaining a safe, supportive, and effective group environment. Designed for mental health professionals, it explores the psychological and behavioral aspects of trauma and their influence on treatment, including treatment engagement. We will introduce the therapeutic interventions ‘Seeking Safety’, ‘Integrating DBT with the Twelve Steps’, and the Post Traumatic Stress Index (PTSI) in clinical settings. Participants will learn about the principles, techniques, and application of these models in treating clients with trauma and addiction issues. Emphasizing both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, the training prepares participants to facilitate group therapy effectively using these modalities. Participants will gain a better understanding of group dynamics and learn to set appropriate therapeutic goals and manage diverse client needs within a group setting.

Target Audience
  • Substance Use Disorder Professionals
Educational Goal

The educational goal of this workshop is to increase knowledge about best practices for facilitating group therapy to treat clients with trauma and addiction issues. 

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify and describe 2 or more ways trauma affects a patient's ability to engage in addiction and mental health treatment.

  • Explain how 'Seeking Safety' can be utilized as a therapeutic intervention.

  • Explain how 'Integrating DBT with the Twelve Steps' can be utilized as a therapeutic intervention.

  • Explain how PTSI can be utilized as a therapeutic intervention.

  • Describe 3 or more essential components of conducting group therapy sessions using Seeking Safety', 'Integrating DBT with the Twelve Steps', and the PTSI.

  • Identify best practices for facilitating trauma informed group therapy.

Substance Use Disorder Professionals

This course has been approved by, as a NAADAC Approved Education Provider, for educational credits. NAADAC Provider #198061, is responsible for all aspects of the programming.This course has been approved by, as a NAADAC Approved Education Provider, for educational credits. NAADAC Provider #198061, is responsible for all aspects of the programing. Counselor Skill Group:

CE Policy
This course is fiscally sponsored by Cumberland Heights Foundation. There may be potential biases or conflicts of interest inherent to this relationship, and it must be disclosed to participants. These conflicts of interest have no bearing on the course content and have been resolved.
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Cinde Stewart Freeman, BSN, RN, MA, LADAC II, QCS

Cinde Stewart Freeman is the Chief Clinical Officer at Cumberland Heights in Nashville, TN. Cinde has been in the behavioral healthcare field for over 35 years, serving in direct care, clinical management, quality management, and leadership roles. She is a bachelor’s prepared Registered Nurse and a master’s prepared Level II Licensed Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor. Cinde has also held the Qualified Clinical Supervisor credential for many years and enjoys stoking the passions of people who are coming into the field. She has trained at the national, state, and local level, holding a particular interest in the relationship between somatic and spiritual healing, as well as how the lived wisdom of the Twelve Steps informs and brings color to clinical education and experience.

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