Virtual Webinar On-Demand

American Indian Tribal Health 101

Presented by Don Lyons, MSW
3.0 CE Hours Cultural Competency , General Introductory
American Indian Tribal Health 101


Date & Time

Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:

  • Describe at least one contemporary and one historical traumas faced by American Indian Communities and discuss their impact on tribal health and wellness.

  • Name four federally recognized tribes within the United States and two in the state of Louisiana.

  • Identify three or more strengths-based engagement approaches that can be used when working with American Indian communities.

  • Describe the nation to nation relationship between American Indians and the United States.

  • Identify four or more eras of federal Indian policy.

Educational Goal

The educational goal of this presentation is to increase knowledge about Native American health and best practices for working with the Native American population.


This session will explore health disparities, access, treatment issues, and increase awareness of the diversity of American Indian Tribal Nations in Louisiana and across the United States. Participants will examine aspects of the historical trauma and historical resilience that have helped shape Indian Country and Tribal Health. The session will review best practices for strengths-based engagement with American Indian communities.

Target Audience

  • Counselor
  • Marriage & Family Therapist
  • Medical Doctor
  • Registered Nurse
  • Social Worker
  • Substance Use Disorder Professionals


Don Lyons, MSW

Don Lyons, MSW, is an Internationally acclaimed speaker, trainer, facilitator, and leader. Don is a citizen of Leech Lake Band of Ojibway and a descendant of the Six Nations Mohawk. Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, Don remained connected to his Indigenous roots through the love and support of his parents, grandparents (boarding school survivors), and mentorship from the urban native community of Detroit.

Being an urban native, Don has been blessed to come from a blended family of racial and tribal backgrounds. This diversity of experiences has shaped and fed Don’s passion for applying the inherent brilliance of indigenous knowledge systems throughout his life. Don has always found ways to indigenize the spaces and places he has been. Don attributed his personal and professional success to the love and support of his friends, family, elders, and the ability to remain connected to traditional ceremonies, singing, and dancing.

Don brings 15+ years of experience working with hundreds of communities, organizations, and businesses Internationally and across Indian Country as a highly skilled facilitator, evaluator, trainer, coach, and leader. Don brings his lived experience, passion, and professional expertise to help build self-sufficient Indigenous Nations. Don lives in East Lansing, MI, with his wonderful wife, Elizabeth, and two awesome kids – Niwiin and Sofia.

Financially Sponsored By

  • Aetna Better Health of Louisiana