Virtual Webinar On-Demand

Understanding and Treating High-Functioning Clients with Dual Diagnosis: Effective Integration of Therapeutic Approaches and Self-Help Programs

2.75 CE Hours Clinical , Substance Abuse Introductory
Understanding and Treating High-Functioning Clients with Dual Diagnosis: Effective Integration of Therapeutic Approaches and Self-Help Programs


Date & Time

Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:

  • Describe 5 treatment strategies for working with a high-functioning clients with SUD population.

  • Explain 2 evidence-based integrated treatment approaches for dual diagnosis.

  • Explain the difference between a recovery pathway and recovery patchworks as they apply to dual diagnosis treatment.

  • Apply the SBIRT assessment tool into clinical practice.

Educational Goal

The educational goal of this workshop is: To gain a better understanding of evidence-based integrated treatment for dual diagnosis, how best to support these clients in engaging in self-help groups and to learn relevant treatment strategies and concepts.


The characteristics, personality traits, treatment and recovery challenges of high-functioning individuals with dual diagnosis will be described. DSM-IV TR and DSM-V diagnostic criteria will be analyzed as it relates to this topic as well as relevant research studies cited. The self-medication theory as it relates to dual diagnosis will be explored. The purpose, intention and limitations of 12-Step and other self-help programs will be described. Additionally, appropriate and inappropriate integration of specific 12-Step program concepts, literature and suggestions will be described. The presentation will conclude with evidence-based integrated treatment strategies including the concepts of recovery pathways versus patchworks.

Target Audience

  • Counselor
  • Marriage & Family Therapist
  • Medical Doctor
  • Psychologist
  • Registered Nurse
  • Social Worker
  • Substance Use Disorder Professionals


Sarah Allen Benton, MS, LMHC, LPC, AADC

Sarah Allen Benton is the Co-Owner of Benton Behavioral Health Consulting, LLC specializing in clinical and business support services. She is a Clinical Consultant for Aware Recovery Care (In-Home Addiction Treatment program), where she was the former Director of Clinical Services in North Haven, CT. Previously, she was a Therapist and Group Leader at Insight Counseling in Ridgefield, CT and as a Primary Therapist at Turnbridge addiction treatment in New Haven, CT. Sarah previously worked as a Therapist at McLean Hospital in Belmont, MA at McLean Brook dual diagnosis transitional treatment program, McLean Klarman Center for eating disorder treatment and the McLean Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Institute. Sarah is author of the book “Understanding the High-Functioning Alcoholic” and has been featured in the New York Times, on The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Today Show, CBS Early Show, SiriusXM, NPR and writes a blog on Psychology

Financially Sponsored By

  • Aetna Better Health of Louisiana